
I’ve been a Family Law lawyer in Jerusalem since 1999. In addition to the normal challenges faced by someone working in the field anywhere in the world, those of us in Israel have the added spice of dealing with a multi-cultural society, a parallel system of civil family courts and religious courts, topped off with the impact of living in a society over which conflict, or at the very least, threat of conflict, always hangs. This adds to the challenges of the job, in terms of the factors we need to weigh in the lives of our clients, and the balancing act between the dual systems. With this blog, I hope to find a forum to share, to vent, and ultimately to be enriched in learning from others.

3 Responses to About

  1. Dear Shaanan

    I am a clinician, based in Toronto, where I have a private practice specializing in mediation, arbitration, custody and access assessments, and consultation to the Family Courts. My husband and I are due to be making Aliya in five months, at the end of June 2011. I wanted to connect with other professionals in the field of Family Law, who are also AFCC members such as myself.

    I thought I could begin a dialogue with you and see if my services would be able to translate to the Israeli family court system.

    I look forward to hearing back from you. Regards- Ilana Tamari

  2. My name is Nick Peterson, I am a filmmaker based in the Los Angeles area. Along with Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite, Blades of Glory) we are looking for support to create a short animated film that deals with the issue of domestic abuse against women.

    This soon to be produced film tells the powerful story of a woman gradually crushed by the destructive forces of an abusive relationship. We firmly believe that drug abuse, alcohol, and pornography addiction can break down individuals and tear families apart. We hope this film will raise public consciousness and serve as a cautionary tale, shedding light on the cumulative effects of abuse and encouraging those in an abusive relationship to seek help before it is too late.

    We’re raising funds for this project with a new and innovative system called “crowdsource funding.” Through the website http://www.kickstarter.com we have established a page where people can become involved for as little as $1. The hope is that a large number of people giving very little can support and create important projects that might not be funded any other way.

    If you’re able to help us, we would ask you to place a link to our Kickstarter page on your website and, if possible, update your support base with information regarding the project and how they can become involved.

    In exchange, we would love to offer you space on our soon to be created website as a supporter, on the poster of the film and on the final credits of the film.

    Please go to our Kickstarter page at this URL LINK: http://kck.st/ev3RKN

    We look forward to hearing from you and hope we can work together on this.


    Nick Peterson & Jon Heder

    • shaananlaw says:

      I posted your comment as part of a post today, March 5, since I didn’t think that too many people would see it as a comment in the About section.

      Looked at your film “MuM” which I see is also about domestic violence; very powerful and well-made.

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